The following are one of a kind test prints or slightly blemished.
Please order from 1-970-247-1583 ext 11
All are first come - first serve. A particular print may be sold by the time you order - we will pull from this list on the day sold. All sales are final. $20 shipping per order, multiple items still $20. PLEASE DO NOT call us and ask if a blemish exists (not on this list) for a particular scene number, or leave a number for us to notify you if one becomes available or the condition or problem. All the info we have is here. We do not have information or condition on a particular blemish. If it is not on this list, none is available. First run means a test print or for a variety of reasons we reprinted the customer order. + = top quality, nothing wrong, printed on extra media, same as normal purchase. Some scenes have defects but are listed as a shorter length defect free. Some customers have said they cannot find anything wrong and that may be true of the part sold, but not always. Small spots or mark means spots you may not find or very small or will find if you look close. Most scenes have no visible defects Any prints with serious defects are discarded. There is no guarantee that an A scene will match with a B . The price reflects our determination of the value. Table below may be wider than your screen, use scroll to see price to right. MISSING we moved, cannot at this time find these. Media SCRIM is our current media which is a plastic material as opposed to paper prior 2020..
Codes: HL=Hills, MT=Mts, MH=MtsHills, RH=Rolling Hills, AG=Agric, CM=Commercial, IN=Industrial, RS=Residential CL=Clouds/sky
BG=BackGround, BD=BackDrop (higher resolution)
to find a particular stock number.
Blemish Number |
Original Scene R=reversed |
Size INCH X FT |
Problem | Scale | Media | Price |
NEW | ||||||
OLD | ||||||
60314 missing |
BD MS 820105A (BG MS 170A) |
36 X 12 | MARKS | O | SUPER | $50 |
60703 missing | BD CM 800707B | 36 X 12 | LITTLE REDISH | HO | SUPER | $50 |
23001 SOLD | BG MT 207BR | 42 X 11 | FIRST RUN + REVERSED | O | SUPER | $ 70 |
23005 missing |
BD MS 870629B (BG MS 234B) |
42 X 12 | FIRST RUN BACKDROP | O | SUPER | $ 70 |
23031 missing | CL CS 138M | 36 X 12 | FIRST RUN | -- | SUPER | $ 60 |
23033 missing | CL CS 171M | 36 X 10 | FIRST RUN | -- | SUPER | $ 60 |
11501. SOLD |
BD IN 820831MR (BG IN 189MR) |
42 X 8 | SMALL SPOTS 11501 | O | SUPER | $ 50 |
11502. SOLD | CL CS 138M | 36 X 12 | FIRST RUN+ BACKDROP QUALITY | --- | SUPER | $ 60 |
11503. SOLD |
BD HL 981014A (BG HL 74A) |
11504 missing |
BD HL 800721AR (BG HL 133AR) |
36 X 8 | FIRST RUN BACKDROP | HO | SUPER | $ 50 |
11505 missing |
BD HL 800721BR (BG HL 133BR) |
36 X 10 | FIRST RUN BACKDROP | HO | SUPER | $ 60 |
11510. | BG HL 123M | 42 X 10 | FIRST RUN | O | SUPER | $ 60 |
11511. |
BD CM 821220AR (BG CM 196AR) |
42 X 10 | SPOTS | O | SUPER | $ 40 |
11513. SOLD |
BD HL 871105A (BG HL 244A) |
36 X 11 | FIRST RUN+ BACKDROP 11513 | HO -O | SUPER | |
11516. SOLD | CL CS 60M | 36 X 12 | FIRST RUN+ | SUPER | $ 60 | |
11539 missing |
BD IN 820831MR (BG IN 189MR) |
42 X 8 | FIRST RUN BACKDROP | HO | SUPER | $ 40 |