Format Printing on media that can be installed with wallpaper paste
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Photographer's Backdrops or wall covering as low as $6.50/sq. ft. We photograph high resolution images of various scenes around the USA. All images are suitable for enlargement to over 10 ft. x 12 ft. at 120 p/inch or around 600 Mbytes/image, printing at 600 dpi. Images can be cropped or modified as necessary. We use specially designed photograph equipment to capture images at many times higher resolution than was previously possible. Our specialty is backdrops for model railroads but we have modified our process to generate images that are more square. We can also make wall covering from your images. We need a high quality image. We can print large scenes in 3.5 ft wide sections that are easily fastened together. Widths of more than 3.5 ft are difficult to put up. Prints are easily transported and can be folded at the seam for storage. Viewing distance is about two feet for a 10 ft. x 12 ft. The print media is our super media.
The image above is 12 ft wide by 7 ft. high Blowups show the high resolution of the entire image