The One Scene One Size fits all scene


This is the one scene, one size fits all scene.  Price $190 plus $20 shipping.  Stock # OS MT 999Mw.  This is a background as opposed to a backdrop, 36 in (34.75 in.) x 12 ft (160 in.).  No modifications, no reversals, no transitions, no guarantees it will match to any other scene. Return charges on this scene are $80 + $20 shipping. Normal return policy does not apply. If you need custom scenes, other sizes, transitions, properly scaled, higher resolution, other types of scenery, more than 12 ft, etc. please go to our regular backdrop/background line, return to INDEX and look at HELP. We have 100s of scenes and sizes, over 20,000 variations. Most people need specific scenes, scales and sizes. For a definition of backdrop vs background go to INDEX.

Canada.,  Skycode W.  Sharpness B   

BackGround OS MT 999Mw ..

shown 36 in. by 12 ft