Who We Are

We started in 1992 making railroad videos.  This was a great job but because of many factors the video business is not one to be in if you want to make money.  I may personally get back to it some day but not now.  Anyway, we were looking for a way to get into models and hobbies.  We tried several ideas related to video but none worked.  Our company had expertise in photography, programming. and advertising,  I personally am a senior programmer in database management.  We knew there was a void for backdrops in model railroads so we tried putting 35mm images together to make a longer print.  That worked especially if you stood back 20 ft.  We made our first 12 ft backdrop in 1996.  It took 4 months to make and cost us $200 to print, not exactly a marketable item.  It took some time and development work in photography, hardware and programming to redefine how high resolution large format images were made.  After several years of perfecting a process defining how images are taken on site and new digital processing, we have the BackDrops, BackGrounds, EzKut, EZScenes, EGscenes, and EB scenes available today. The images of today are in the gigabytes, not something you want on your home computer.  We can detail individual leaves a mile away although that may not show on a backdrop print.  We continue to improve our image processing and provide solutions to completing your layout with an easy installation of one or more of our backdrops.


For more information go to Why we are unique and How we do it.  also HELP


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